Don Allen is the Mayor of the Township of Springwater. File photo.

Mayor Allen gives update on Midhurst Secondary Plan

By Mayor Don Allen | Columns

February 15, 2021

COVID-19 Update

The Province has declared a State of Emergency and issued a stay-at-home order. As a result, new restrictions are in effect requiring residents to remain at home with exceptions for going to the grocery store or pharmacy, accessing health care and attending work that cannot be done remotely. Outdoor public gatherings are limited to five people. Non-essential retail stores offering curbside pickup are only permitted to operate between the hours of 7 am and 8 pm. Some non-essential construction is further restricted.

In order to comply with the order, all Township facilities, including the Township Administration Centre are closed to the public. Staff are available to assist residents by email and phone and all contact information is posted on the Township website at The Springwater Public Library will continue to offer pre-booked curbside service.

The Township has also made the decision to close all outdoor skating rinks. This decision was made in consultation with the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit and to ensure that the regulations are being adhered to. Rinks are permitted to be open under the Provincial guidelines, however it is the municipalities’ responsibility to ensure that the restrictions are being adhered to. Since they have opened for the season, the rinks have generated a multitude of complaints from residents concerned that users are not following the protocols put in place. The complaints range from people not obeying the capacity limits, to playing hockey (against the restrictions), skating after posted hours, consuming alcohol on public property, littering and failing to remain off of closed rinks and ice under maintenance. The 12 outdoor rinks in the municipality are maintained by groups of dedicated volunteers in each community. The Township does not have the resources to monitor the rinks and ensure that guidelines are being followed. The decision was made with the best interest of the community at heart and the potential liability we would otherwise face as a Township.

Midhurst Development – Carson Road – Site Servicing

At the December 21 meeting, Council approved Phase 1A site servicing to commence for the Midhurst Carson Road Development, also known as the Micks Subdivision. The site servicing will be the next step in preparing the site for development and home construction. This phase involves the installation of services which includes watermain, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, the stormwater management pond for Phase 1A, as well as the construction of the sales centre near the north west corner of Carson Road and Anne Street. Tree clearing and site alterations will also commence on the treatment facility lands / utility campus (located on Snow Valley Rd, East of Wilson Dr). Professional engineers and geoscientists will monitor the site throughout this work, including monitoring erosion and sediment control fencing around the site. They will also ensure that the servicing proceeds in accordance with the approved drawings and regulations in place.

For additional information on the Midhurst Development, visit

Don Allen is the Mayor of the Township of Springwater. He can be reached at